Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Danny Raede and Other Stuff

Danny Raede

This kid is freaking AWESOME!!!  Please excuse my language but that is the only word I can think of to get across my excitement of this guy!   He has Asperger's and he's teaching parents and teachers HOW to help a kid with Asperger's reach their full potential.  He and his friend have put together a series of videos called the Growth Series and it's FREE and he shows you how to deal with Aspies and help them GROW into productive and happy adults.  Here is his first informational video (is informational a word?  Probably not.)

Here is the link for the Growth Series he's pushing in the above video!  

I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found this on Facebook.  Ross is going through some really tough issues and I wonder if he'll ever be able to function normally.  Now I have hope that even on his bad days, he can make it through.  Now if I could just get some help with that we might actually make it.  I cannot wait to watch this series at home when I have time to sit down and take a look at it.  With all this campaign stuff going on, it's hard for me to sit down and look at everything.  This, however, should be a priority.

Lately, Ross has gotten more combative than usual.  He's back to not doing what he's told and back to constantly arguing with me whenever I tell him to do pick something up or turn off the TV or computer.  I know he gets bored but geez, you can't sit on your ass all the time and watch cartoons.  I don't want to increase his medication because he's already gained 25 lbs from it and he doesn't need to get any bigger than he is.  Surely there is a different way to go!

I took Ross wanted to see  Frosty the Snowman the other night at Casa Manana and he just loved it.  He was SO happy to see those tickets and I heard "you're the best mom ever" like 14 times that night, LOL!  Those are the good times.  Thank God we have them.  He also insisted on seeing Santa at the mall the other day.  The boy is 14 and a half years old!!  He just won't let Santa go, LOL!  My daughter has tried to tell him but he is in total denial that Santa isn't real.  He just keeps hoping that Santa isn't make believe.  Look at this face:

My sweet boy......
See how Santa had to sit on his own leg so Ross wouldn't crush his kneecap?  LMAO!  

Do any of you still have kids this age that just won't let it go?  Tell me your stories, we would love to hear them!